When the truth is buried, go underground.
A detective stationed on the Subsurface Circular investigates a series of disappearances among the city’s robotic working class. Collect words and phrases, then use them in dialogue puzzles to uncover the world's secrets and determine its future.
Watch the trailer.
Inspired by classic adventure games and modern dialogue systems, Bithell Games has created a single-session story which respects your time and your intelligence.

“Subsurface Circular extracts maximum entertainment from limited resources through the admirable trick of great writing, excellent pacing, sparkling dialogue and bang-on story beats.” 9/10
“Subsurface Circular is a landmark moment in interactive storytelling. The elegance of its escalation is simply unmatched, as it tells a story that makes you feel like you’re in completely over your head, and yet still perfectly believable.” 10/10
“With a cast of well-realised characters, and a story that captivates from start-to-finish, Subsurface Circular's robot mystery will have your attention from the moment the train leaves the station.” 8/10
“There are plenty of twists and turns to the point that you can never quite grasp the whole story until it’s closing out.” 4/5